Gandharv Suri

Hello World!

Gandharv Suri is a final year student at the International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore pursuing the Integrated Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science program. He can be described as a neophile, as he is always up to work in a new field or with a new tech stack, which is evident by the breadth of knowledge base and experience in different fields he has gained. He is always excited to step outside his comfort zone and try his hand at something new.

He was always excited to work in machine learning, and self-taught prior to opting for the course at IIIT-Bangalore. Going a step further, he opted for a separate semester-long Deep Learning course from Udacity outside the usual curriculum. Wishing to delve into the field of Natural Language Processing, he worked with the Web Science Lab at IIIT-Bangalore, under the supervision of Prof Srinath Srinivasa for a year. He worked on the project ‘Narrative Arc’ which is a AI-based pedagogic agent which makes the learning for users more interactive and personalised. Working with the NLP team for the project, he worked on question generation and summarization tasks for the text corpus and audio transcripts. Taking forward his interest in NLP, he bagged the opportunity of Globalink Mitacs intern and worked under Prof Yllias Chali, at the University of Lethbridge (ULETH). At ULETH he worked on abstractive text summarization and query-based abstractive text summarization, achieving the state-of-the-art zero-shot and few-shot results. Currently he is working at Walmart Global Technology, Bangalore as a software developer.

Apart from academics, he is invovled in a lot of co-carricular acitivties. He is a huge football fan (Mancherster is blue!) and loves to spend weekends hitting the ball behind the net.


Walmart Global Tech
Jan 2022-Present | Bangalore | SDE-II

Modular Open Source Identity Platform
Aug 2021 - Dec 2021 | Data Engineer

University of Lethbridge
May 2021 - Aug 2021 | Research Intern (Advisors: Professor Yllias Chali)


International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
2017-2022 | Integrated Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science